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The modern innovation!

The modern innovationOur designs upgrade people’s lives and help individuals or organizations succeed. We at St. Tropez aim to deliver exceptionally unique ideas and solutions for each of our valuable clients through environmental stewardship, creative blending of human need, science, art and value creation.

Our dream team is a bunch of talented planners, skilled and well-experienced designers from across the globe, yet our design solutions are a result of a collaborative process which incorporates multidisciplinary professionals to share knowledge, research alternatives and devise new ways to help solve the problems of our clients.

Innovation and Stability:

The world is a mix of two, arts and science, and so are our designs. With the two words, science and art, what we actually mean Is mixing creativity with professionalism and innovation with stability. We understand the need for staying true to the classics of an ideal home or workplace but we also do know the technique of adding the right kind of flavor to a classic way of design. What it means is your can rely on us for providing you something formal/classic with a little twist of creativity that makes everything worthwhile.

Our way of working St.Tropez

Human need:

At St. Tropez, we value individual identities, individual choices, and flavor. While almost all our designs are likable and balanced, there’s always a subjective likeness or requirement from an individual and there’s nothing we value more than the individual choice. Our designers are constantly trained to cater to the most different viewpoints. I think this is an important characteristic that separates us from the rest, the ability to see you as you.

Collaborative and Customized:

We understand the careful selection on the part of some clients, we appreciate your involvement and contribution, every color choice or other suggestion you give. And to solve this most effectively, we have a new way of approaching the final result, something called, creative-cooperation. We aren’t looking to present you with two options and let you choose one, but if you are willing, we’d like to sit with you and design from the beginning, bit by bit, the designers and yourself working together to come to a product that you feel to have contributed in, something that wasn’t created for you but also by you.
We are trying to revolutionize the design industry with our most cooperative and humble models. I hope you assist us in doing that. At the core of our design standards is your likeness. We wouldn’t begin a project until it is enthusiastically liked by the client. We wouldn’t be like a shoe-seller or barber to say, it would fit or it would look good once completed, where you, left without a choice, would eventually start liking it too. We will work day and night to come with a design that you look most forward to and then start working on it, it would be like that one day you had exactly the haircut you went looking for.

St. Tropez is one of the premium collaborative design firms where our team brings your dreams to reality. This one-stop firm saves time, is cost effective and is innovative like none other. 


Our Vision
"The Details are not the details, they make the design"